讓皮膚吸收最純淨、無毒的養份與能量,是GOD DAG LAB純素護膚系列的堅持。品牌所有護膚配方都在陽光溫暖的美國加州誕生,我們在當地有專業夥伴──身兼Biochemist的純素美容研發專家一起緊密合作。因此,GOD DAG LAB產品只選用天然提取成分,融合大自然恩賜與科學力量,從根本改善膚質,重點紓緩、鎮靜和修復肌膚,適合受損和敏感膚質,同時注入保持年輕的養份,讓肌膚恢復彈性和光澤。
Clean, green, and toxin-free – from the purest of ingredients to the healthiest of skin, the god dag lab collection of holistic and vegan skin care formulations are created in California USA using naturally derived ingredients to soothe, calm, and rebuild irritation-prone and sensitive skins, restoring radiance and resilience with gifts from nature and scientific prowess.
Feel the flow. See the glow.